Archive for category Exotic Cars
Posted by detoadmin in Exotic Cars, Featured Cars, porsche, racing on October 27th, 2011
The work of art that you see below is owned by Mick Cote. You are looking at a 1983 “greymarket” 930 slant nose Porsche. Unlike most Porsche owners who acquire this elite German car manufacture for mere status, Mick drives and owns the car the way it was intended. This car is literally a daily driven race car. Full cage? Check. 3.3ltre turbo? Check. Professionally tuned? Check. There’s over $5k in the suspension alone….Oh and prior to the shoot, he just took his “slicks” off in the event he was caught out in the rain with them.
Did I mention the wide body was fabricated by Mick himself, from start to finish…
I had to take two shots of the rear from different angles so you could get an idea of how this car sits. The lines in this car are flawless and more importantly, functional.
All you “stance” fan boys can drool over this. Except Mick won’t be “hard parking” at any car meets…from left to right shows the rear and front stance.
I feel like Mick’s Porsche dates back to an era when they still made sports cars that had character. This car pre-dates any driver assists and before sports cars all started looking the same from afar. It was truly an honor to shoot such a raw, yet refined car of this caliber. Expect to see more of Mick’s ’83 Slantnose on our site in the future.
Posted by detoadmin in Design, Exotic Cars, Garage, porsche on September 13th, 2011
Along my travels when I was in Cali last month, I made a stop to the infamous Mercedes-Benz tuner, Brabus.Brabus is the upper echelon professional tuning and customization for Mercedes-Benz. Brabus USA also caters to Porsche and Land Rover as well. Customers can either buy cars straight from Brabus or send in their Mercedes to be customized and/or overhauled. If a customer orders a car from Brabus, Brabus buys the particular car from Mercedes and then modifies it in-house according to the customer’s requests.
Below is the elegant customer showroom, showcasing all of the endless customization options…Brabus the name, doesn’t actually mean anything in German. Brabus is the first three letters of the two innovative gentleman’s last names that started the company back in 1977: Bodo Buschmann and Klaus Brackmann.
Anthony Hsieh of Brabus USA was kind enough to show me around the their beautiful facility.
Here you can see the set-up for a custom wide body.
A closer look…
So how do you make your Porsche Cayenne-turbo faster? Tech Art is the answer. Tech Art is the exclusive performance company offered through Brabus.
That’s one monster of a motor that’s about to become much, much more powerful…
Below is a small sample of accessories that are available through Brabus.
What I love so much about Brabus is that they can take the most tasteful vehicles money can buy and personalize them with perfect harmony as the were intended to be without interrupting the already flawless engineering.
If you’re in the Irvine area of Southern California and want to set your German work of art apart from the rest, do your self a favor and visit Brabus USA.
1711 McGaw Avenue, Irvine, CA 92614
ph. 949.229.1770
Brabus on Top Gear
Tesla Motors
Posted by detoadmin in Design, Exotic Cars on November 1st, 2010
While we were staying in Newport Beach for the Agenda Show, we passed a Tesla dealership….I couldn’t help myself, I had to stop in.
At first glance, it appears to be a Lotus….except much, much different. The innovation and mere forward thinking behind this car is very impressive…
Below is the source of your re-fueling cell. No need to stop by the petrol station anymore, just plug it in at night an and you’re ready to roll in the morning. Some models even have the option of solar panels.
Tesla originated in 2003 by by a group of engineers that wanted to show how much fun an all-electric sports car can be…I think they proved their point!
In this picture below, the car was being driven out of the show room and the only noise being made was the squeaking sound of the tires on the floor!
Below is the elegant, yet very practical interior. I’m loving the carbon fiber trim…did i mention so is the chassis?
The art gallery style show room really set this dealership apart. It reminded me a lot of how the dealerships in London are set-up.
A huge thanks to to Valerie and Ben for allowing us to do this feature. If you’re in the Newport, CA area, do yourself a favor and see these pieces of art in person!
1100 West Coast Highway
Newport Beach, CA 92663
Posted by detoadmin in Coming Soon, Design, Exotic Cars on December 16th, 2009
Text via automotto: The mid-engined supercar has a narrow and rather complex-looking body, with a garnishing of GT proportions. Thin OLEDs embedded between the surfaces function as headlights, and while all those lines may look weird, the Ankonian supposedly makes the best use of it all. The concept was named after a bull type famous for black hair, and since the designer had some help from professional designers at Lamborghini and Audi, the finished model has impressive looks.
By designer Slavche Tanevsky.